1. The fog has closed our world off to one street.
2. Finding that the dishwasher didn't go off last night, so there is no need to empty it.
3. Alec says, 'Shall I take the key and run home to let the Sainsbury's man in?'
1. The fog has closed our world off to one street.
2. Finding that the dishwasher didn't go off last night, so there is no need to empty it.
3. Alec says, 'Shall I take the key and run home to let the Sainsbury's man in?'
1. At the end of school to give Alec a quick hug before he makes his own way home.
2. To get the news that a story I entered for a competition has got me into the next round.
3. The most pandemic 2021 thing ever would be the adults in their masks dancing with their children to 'Agadoo' at the end of Watching Week.
1. I ask Bettany to put the scanned shopping in my bag... and she does.
2. The front room and kitchen look much larger now they are not full of Ikea boxes.
3. I am expecting the mattress to be an awkward lift -- but then I realise that everyone is helping.
Sorry, I've been ill again.
1. By the front door into which I'm posting a mis-directed Christmas card are a few bundles of sticks bound with hairy string. Magic, or kindling?
2. Nick brings a packet of cheese and some fig paste -- he's been up town to get his booster, and the centre just happens to be near a cheese shop.
3. While we wait for Alec to go through the bathroom, Bettany and I tinker with a magic set. She is keen to learn a 'find the lady' trick involving cups and a soft ball. She thinks we will let her set up a stand in the street* so she can separate passers-by from their money.
* No, we won't.
1. A slice of chocolate cake with our coffee.
2. To let a massage therapist treat the place in my lower back that I try hard not to think about too much.
3. The moment I draw breath the children batter me with questions about the story.
2. We get the early Christmas decorations out. Things that seemed tired and gaudy on 6 January 2021 are fresh and exciting and charming on 1 December.
3. I have disappeared a few of the Christmas books to keep the collection a reasonable size and so I can buy some new titles if I fancy it. But Bettany asks pointedly for 'My special book about the little girl and her brother writing to Santa.' So I will have to un-disappear that one.
1. Coffee with a few editor friends in the bright and airy auction house. The hour vanishes among a good brew and useful talk. 2. Suddenly, ...