Monday, February 19, 2024

Banana bread, knitting and from the fridge.

1. Through the magic of baking, we swap a backlog of rapidly ripening bananas for two loaves of banana bread.

2. When your child asks for a thing that is easy to agree to. We sit side by side knitting and half listening to YouTube commentary about Stardew Valley.

3. Alec spends some time confessing to the things he ate from the fridge when he felt hungry overnight. 'I opened that smoked salmon. And I had some of the pasta, which was delicious. And some cottage cheese, which I didn't like.'

Two left, weeding and wisteria.

1. There are just two Jaffacakes left, so I have them. 2. The crackling, popping sound of weeds lifting out of gravel. 3. While the kettle b...