Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Drop-off, straight home and resting.

1. As we get closer to the school, we find ourselves walking into a stream of bigger boys heading out to buy their break snack. I feel him shift beside me like a fish twisting out of my hands, and I tell him to have a good morning and he swims away into the dark cool water.

2. I said I wanted to go straight home after my appointment, but I'm feeling better with every step in the before-spring sunshine, and I'm quietly pleased when Nick wonders if I want coffee out.

3. When he gets home, he joins me resting in bed for the afternoon. Both of us waiting to recover.

Gardening, macaroni cheese and Russian doll.

1. Plant catalogue -- imagining a parcel of earthy roots and how container-sized dahlias would fit in my garden. 2. The scent of the childre...