Monday, April 24, 2006

Out to breakfast, magic food and spot the difference.

1. Spotting the crew from last night's party in a cafe. Caroline made a gesture encompassing the nine grey-faced breakfasters: 'All these people slept in our house.' She lives in a little Victorian terrace, so this was quite an achievement.

2. The soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies that appeared on a plate while I was watching a film.

3. Fenella, Andy and I watched The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It was once one of my favourite books, and when I got home I spent half an hour dipping into it to see what they had changed in the film. The dialogue is funnier in the film; and Edmund is a less sympathetic, likeable character in the book.

Escape, tulips and samosa.

1. This morning, I'm piling into a car with friends to escape into the Weald, where we will visit a garden planted with 45,000 tulips. 2...