Friday, May 17, 2013

Downstairs, handover and through the leaves.

1. Our friend in the shoe shop checks Alec's shoes downstairs so I don't have to drag my tired person and recalcitrant toddler up to the children's department. Her thoughtfulness is very much appreciated. I remember her helping me try on boots when I was heavily pregnant with Alec: "I'll help you in any way I can," she said, anxiously watching me bend to fasten them.

2. When I drop him off at nursery Alec is howling for bubby and saying that he doesn't want a nap. I know he wants to sleep because he has a tired face, but there is no way I'm going to nurse him off to sleep at nursery. "Bubby later," I say vaguely.
A staff member comes out and says "Hallo Alec!"
I actually feel him relax in my arms. "Bubby?" he says again, but this time with less toddler-rage.
"We'll get some milk in a cup for you," she says taking him from me. "And then you can have a lie-down." He seems quite happy with that.

3. While Alec pokes things with a stick in the shrubbery I look up at the bluest sky through the spring green leaves of the Grove's famous Turkey oak.

PS: Tunbridge Wells people, Manna on the High Street is offering suspended coffees.

Wet, licking the bowl and homework.

1. Taking off my drenched trainers and socks. 2. I am not too thorough with the spatula, and once the pudding is in the oven, there's a ...