Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Front garden, flowers and sleepy boy.

1. We have a weeping tree, about waist high and something like a goat willow, in our front garden. At this time of year it is particularly charming and I feel very pleased every time I pass it. I cleared out the dead wood a couple of weeks ago and now the glossy branches are studded with tender green leaves.

2. I come home to find a daffodil head floating in a ramekin of water on the kitchen table. The Mother says that a little girl in the park picked it for Alec.

3. While I am reading to him poor tired Alec falls asleep leaning against my bump.

Later in the year, new book and decorations.

1. To pin my poppy on to my winter coat and step out into the cold. I feel like we've crossed the winter line. 2. My eldest comes to fin...