Sunday, February 19, 2006

Oh yes, banishment and responsibility.

1. 6am conversation in the Grant Tent:
Clare: What are you writing?
Rosey: Nothing.
Clare: Is it a note to that cyclist from last night?
Rosey: It's just my e-mail address. I told him I'd leave it for him.
Scribble scribble scribble pause
Rosey: How do you spell ganglion?

2. Discovering that telling pestiferous traders to go away really does work.

3. I am a godmother to Eleanor Beatrice Lyra Walker (otherwise known as Ellie B, Ellie Bright, Ellie Brave and Ellie Beautiful). Cat and Alan, what an honour for me -- but she'd better not turn out as naughty as her Northern Lights namesake.

Blantyre to Selima, Malawi

In the pond, spotted leaves and better kind of chocolate spread.

1. No tadpoles that I can see -- but something flips in the water just beyond my field of focus. 2. I take the muddy path so I can check on ...