Friday, July 14, 2006

Al forno, tea and flying fists.

1. A really good lasagne -- the one at the Huntsman, Eridge, is specially recommended.

2. Chai tea with lots of milk -- it's one of the fragrant teas and is redolent with different spices. It has a slightly gingery warmth to it, and milk softens it perfectly.

3. The brawl in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. I also went slack-jawed with wonderment at Davey Jones and his crew -- their sea creature faces are works of art that surprise over and over again.

Eggshell, turkey oak and grateful.

1. Smacking a hardboiled egg to break the shell. 2. Pale green leaves on the huge oak tree at the corner of The Grove. 3. There is nothing q...