Friday, February 25, 2005

Indoors, goal and bacon.

1. Not being outside in the vile... I'm not sure what to call it, because I'm not going to dignify with the word 'snow' the horrible, freezing stuff that falls out of the sky and won't settle on the ground or anywhere attractive, but cakes quite happily on my coat and glasses and slides down my collar.

2. He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named has tidied the empty desk and underneath all the old computers and Christmas decorations he discovered... the football which disappeared just before Christmas. We've been batting about the office while we discuss things.

3. Really crispy bacon. The smoked, streaky sort that makes loads of grease when you fry it.

Done, moon and Irish fairy tales.

1. A meeting that is over by 9.30am. 2. A big full moon is stuck on next door's chimney pots. 3. By my bed is a large and comforting boo...