Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Watch under, I really am sick and housekeeping.

1. There isn't much beauty in throwing up, but it's nice when you feel a bit better afterwards.

2. Having no doubt that you are ill and should not go to work.

3. Robert said: 'The Mother told me to do two things this morning but I only pretended to listen and said "yes dear, yes dear." Now I've forgotten what they are. The Rayburn's* gone out -- I think one of them was to keep it in."

* A Rayburn is a status symbol that lives in English kitchens. Its main interests are coal, smoke, ash and sulking. It doesn't cook unless the wind is blowing south south west, although it does heat water so that cold taps steam and the loos all flush at 90 degrees C. It also dries tea towels.

After shopping, second to last bottle of red and Jupiter.

1. Arm-in-arm, rather pleased with our bags of shopping, we cross the park. 2. The second-to-last bottle of red in the cellar turns out to b...