Thursday, May 27, 2010

Who is he, another nap and last of the cupcakes.

1. I'm chatting with the volunteers at the Oxfam bookshop, and they are wondering about Plutarch, who writes Now's the Time. They know he frequents the shop, but they can't think who he is. I give them a (flattering) description, and tell them to bait a trap with some French books.

2. It's been a long day. I barely have time to get my shoes off before I fall asleep.

3. Nick brings me the last of the cupcakes to me as I lie in the bath.

Tiny rain, snail and kneading.

1. We can't feel the tiny raindrops, but we can see the rings on the still pond. 2. A snail in a pinkish shell watches us come up the pa...