Friday, May 30, 2014

World of finance, escape and nap.

1. Nick took the children to open bank accounts. He comes back saying that they made the bank grind to a halt. Bettany escaped, set off crawling down a corridor and had to be retrieved by a passing clerk; and Alec had to be lifted up to the counter to pay in his £2, coin by coin.

2. We thrust our children into nursery and scamper out into the sunshine. We stroll hand-in-hand like a respectable middle class couple; but inside we are jinking and stotting like a pair of lambs just out of the barn.

3. We have a lot to get on with this afternoon so we set the tick-tock going and have a twenty-minute nap in the big bed before we begin. It is by far the most delicious and luxurious thing we do all day.

End at the beginning, whistler and no pressure.

1. To start the day by finishing a book. 2. I'm sure we knew that the emergency kettle is a whistling one; but we'd forgotten since ...