Thursday, March 31, 2005
Music, Googling and tidy.
2. Giggling for ten minutes after discovering that someone came on to this site on a Google search for 'force fed cock'. NB - don't run this search - I have already done it in The Interests of Science and the results are frankly disgusting.
3. A freshly made bed, when the duvet is smooth and the pillows conceal my nightie, blanket and the piles of books I sleep with.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Snooze, fame and confection.
2. Chris' story of how when he was 14 he met up with Jonathan King - who has just walked out of Maidstone jail after doing three years for messing around with young boys - for a chat about DJing. They went for a drive in the pop mogul's brown Rolls - stopping at Harrods to pick up a turkey. Nothing happened although King did ask Chris to fill out a form detailing his tastes in pop music and his sexuality. Looking back, Chris thinks this might have been a bit odd. Apart from that, he has nothing but praise for the pundit. And a few years later, Chris met up with King again. This time he took along a friend and a demo tape, which the great man didn't like.
3. Chocolate eggs from Konditor and Cook. They have crispy sugar shells and soft hazelnutty chocolate inside.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Sweet, sticky and you darling.
2. The smell of white school glue - the sort that dries in a clear skin that you can peel off your fingers.
3. My printer doesn't chew up and spit out unusual bits of paper, making a lot of noise and fuss. It quietly and quickly decorates them with words - exactly as they appear on my screen - in ink that dries almost immediately. I could kiss it.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Inheritance, sauce and red-legged scissorman.
2. Mushrooms with sage and apple.
3. My cousin Laura's frankly disturbing art - if she is babysitting for you, ask her to leave her interpretation of 'Little Suck-a-thumb' at home.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
On its way, shopping and TV event.
2. In a chaotic chocolate shop the day before Easter a nervous young man taking a lot of trouble - in a very, sweet, polite way - to get the best possible present for someone. 'Will these flowers last until tomorrow? Yes, they're lovely, aren't they. And I know you guys are really busy, but could I have a little extra ribbon?' I wonder who it was for? And I hope it made them smile!
3. Getting together with Fenella to watch the new series of Dr Who. Almost too exciting for words, I watched a lot of it through my fingers.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Hols, making it and hush.
2. Finding an email from The Write Coach, Bekki Hill, saying that she is using the idea of 3BT for an exercise (titled It's a kind of magic) in her new Creativity Gym - which is 10,000 times more enticing than the sweaty sort of gym. I am unbelieveably flattered to have my idea picked up by a pro! Stroll (being careful not to exert yourself) down to Bekki's and give some of her exercises a go. Creating each day makes you happy.
3. The silence after a late-night alarm has finished going off.
Friday, March 25, 2005
Soup, sick and herbs.
2. The huge difference lunch or a kip makes when you are ill.
3. Hummus with coriander in it.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Dandy, bean and pliers.
2. Bean sprouts because they are so soft and forgiving.
3. My dentist's enthusiam at the thought of extracting one of my wisdom teeth. I said I'd think about it.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Columns, ow and nipple.
2. I've got a sore wisdom tooth. Not really sure what to do about it. Then my dentist rings. 'Our computer's down. Do you know if you've got an appointment soon?' 'Nope,' I say. 'But can you tell me what to do about this wisdom tooth?' 'If you pop in, we'll have a look and maybe give you some antibiotics.'
3. I'm reading Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything. I love popular science books about the origins of life; and I love Bill Bryson's eye for interesting details - there are giant concrete dinosaurs in Crystal Palace Park and a dinner party for 21 was held in the iguanadon; Marsh and Cope discovered the same dinosaur 29 times; mastodon means 'nipple tooth'.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Tweet, lookout and squish.
2. Meeting up with John and Jay for lunch at the Beacon. As you might guess from the name it has a view of nearly half of Tunbridge Wells. They always have some exciting project going, and some good advice to share.
3. The way toddlers eat bananas - by grabbing a handful, smearing it on anyone within reach and then when this is taken away, sucking the rest of the banana in as if they are not expecting to be fed ever again.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Palms before my feet, sticky and feathers
2. Treacle tart. Also, the word 'treacle'.
3. My father's extreme close-up photos of pheasants.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Lowry, fish and cock.
2. There is a new sushi place in Tunbridge Wells - it's called Kitsu and it's really very good. Caroline and I took sushi virgin Ian along and force fed him stunningly fresh raw salmon. 'It doesn't taste of fish at all,' he commented. Kitsu is on Victoria Street - round the back of the shopping centre, and the phone number is 01892 515510.
3. Watching cocktails being mixed by a pro.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Silver lining, manco and IZ.
2. My Fistful of Dollars and For A Few Dollars More soundtrack LP. The stranger sneers satisfactorily from the cover and while it is playing the cold, damp English spring fades into the dry heat of Mexico.
3. Coming home from work and finding a new Interzone on the doormat. I love short story magazines, because short stories should be ephemeral. A throw-away medium allows writers to experiment; and it encourages the reader to dip in - if it's rubbish, what matters it? It's just twenty minutes of your life. I love sci-fi, too - specially the English sort.
Friday, March 18, 2005
Two dogs, ooops and eggses
2. A woman in very clicky shoes walks too close behind me. I speed up, hoping to lose her but she speeds up, too. I slow down, hoping she'll overtake but she doesn't. Then I hear her stumble a little. Hah.
3. The shine on a properly tempered chocolate egg. Specially when you have decorated and moulded it yourself.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Zzzz, scrub and veggies.
2. My new toothbrush because it clicks if you brush too hard. Also, the one I had before was hateful, being cheap and flimsy. This new one has shaped bristles and a sculpted handle - never again will I dismiss these things as gimicky.
3. The hard noise when you flick a squash with your fingernail.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Red, little moons and sit com.
2. I sent my pearls off to be cleaned and restrung - and now three weeks and £30 later they have returned. They definitely have a moon-like glow about them, and they feel a lot less sticky and the string seems less likely to snap at any moment. Their flaws and individualities are a lot more obvious, too - but it's all part of their charm. Ladies, it's good to have you back.
3. I greedily watched the entire first season of Spaced, which was hugely enjoyable. I love the way it blurs the lines between reality and imagination. The way Tim and Daisy would like the story to go is followed by what actually happened. It is a fantastic portrait of a male-female friendship. I also love the film references.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Little flowers, points and toms.
2. Loyalty schemes that yield their goodies with a minimum of fuss. Boots is specially good - at four to the pound, points accumulate pretty quickly and you can use them at the till to pay for your shopping without fannying around with vouchers and customer service desks. Hurrah. And they never send me any junk mail.
3. As I cut up a few tomatoes for supper, the smell made me think of summer. They smelt like proper tomatoes, not the poor watery things that come from the supermarket. The man who sold them to me - they are grown on an organic tomato farm on the Isle of Wight - said 'It's the earliest season in living memory.'
Monday, March 14, 2005
Time out, peal of bells and tease.
2. Walking through the woods and seeing little stars of bluebell leaves. It's one of the tiny changes that tells you Spring is coming.
3. The way James' dad still teases me about marrying his son. I feel so approved of.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Flow, smooch and reflection.
1. I had a session of reiki, which I've never done before. It's all about helping energy flow through you, and I felt a lot lighter on my feet afterwards.
2. Rodin's The Kiss - how did he make chilly white marble resemble something so soft and human?
3. Mirror mazes, because they make it possible to get disorientated and lost in a small room. The London Dungeon features a splendid one, with the added attraction of cage rattling skeletons and a costumed guide leaping out and shouting at you.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Check, paint and flowers.
2. Eating lunch with the ever-charming James and hearing all about his new house. Buying your first house alters you in so many subtle ways. For starters you start to really care about decor. James is an illustrator with incredibly good taste, so I'm agog with excitement at the thought of what he's going to come up with.
3. At He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named's request, I have been searching for sunflowers for the office flowers project. I finally spotted some on the station flower stall. I will buy them tomorrow because it won't be open when I'm walking to work on Monday. That way I get to enjoy them in the flat for a whole weekend.
Friday, March 11, 2005
Dust biscuits, fish and lukewarm.
1. Ryvita crispbread because the pattern of dots on the top looks random but then you realise it includes a circle with a dot in the middle.
2. I love having a bit of cold cooked trout or salmon in my lunchbox. I like the colour, and it's very light on the stomach, but feels like a bit of a treat.
3. My shower isn't doing properly hot water at the moment. I think the pipes in the flat are really badly lagged, because there is hot water in the kitchen and the heating are both dandy. It that means tepid showers, which is unpleasant; but then when I get out, there is a towel warming on the radiator, and wrapping myself up in it is just the nicest thing.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Plateful, good riddence and puff.
1. There is a new Chinese buffet in town. The food is good and colourful and the waiting staff are attentive but unobtrusive. Plus it's only £6.50 for all you can eat. And being self-service there are no lunch-hour reducing waits for your food. Who could ask for more?
2. The moment smug twangy-voiced American Beth told Ed Grundy that she would be leaving Ambridge. For good.
3. A line of four serious runners passed me in the street. A couple of minutes later, two stragglers ran past panting and chatting.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Efficiency, cocktail and slips.
2. Tinned fruit cocktail - the sort with dyed red cherries.
3. Ironing silk because it starts out so scrumpled and crispy and comes out shimmery and soft.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Temptation, waxy and reader.
2. Candles on sale in our local supermarket. They are so temptingly full of potential atmospheric lighting.
3. People who sit in the pub with a book.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Waiting, going green and biscuits.
2. Now that the snow is mostly gone, everything looks rather colourful - even muddy grassy and dead leaves.
3. Nice biscuits - they are the plain coconut ones with grains of white sugar sprinkled on top. And they always have Nice printed on them, no matter what brand you buy.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Swimming, big flakes and ladies who...
2. Snow falling in flakes the size of pingpong balls.
3. Having lunch cooked for you.
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Destruction, scramble and all red.
2. Unexpected dinner invitations because you have to think on your feet about getting ready.
3. The Cricketers pub in Brighton. It has red flock wallpaper and red lamps and almost more pictures than you would have thought possible.
Friday, March 04, 2005
Avalanche, pass it on and walking out.
2. Selling my old desk to a lady who really needed it because her computer was cluttering up her dining room table.
3. At the end of work it was light enough to walk home across the Common for the first time this year, so I did. The sunset was doing something long and low to make the bare trees look pink.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Snow noises, Chris dogs and soup.
2. Chris summoning me downstairs to look out of his office window at two little dogs frollicking in the snow.
3. I cooked borscht. I've never done that before. Isn't it red! It's not a bad way of dealing with beetroot - the vinegar and the salt cuts through the cloying sweetness.
Talking shop, treasure and teatime.
2. At the end of the afternoon I strolled down to the end of the street where there is an antiquarian bookshop. Sitting on the bargin shelf outside was a copy of The Swiss Family Robinson illustrated by Mervyn Peake. I love Peake's whimsical and sinister illustrations (trust him to pick out the tiger being crushed by a snake, the dead whale and the family's donkey being terrorised by a boa constrictor); and I have a lingering affection of the Robinsons' cavalcade of self-improving yet strangely improbable tropical adventures. This edition was published back in the 50s, so I never really thought I would ever find it. Naturally, I was at it like a lynx, and when I went to pay I carefully concealed my excitement - just in case there had been some mistake.
3. Teatime noises - the traffic dulled because the curtains are drawn; the pouring of tea; the clink of silver on china and china on china.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Ducky, no go and din-in-in-inner.
2. There are so many awful, awful things about commuting. But today one of the good things happened. The awfulness was so awful that there was no commuting. Fenella and Andy got to stay at home, which meant we could all go to the pub at 6pm. Yay.
3. Doing dinner for an elastic number of people. I get so excited when people bring extras, turn up early and turn up late so I have to be creative.
Bonus beautiful thing to celebrate PaulV's birthday - Finding a Boney M album in a secondhand music shop. Where we overheard this: 'Have you checked the alley? Those hiphop people love that alley. So long as they've got an alley they're happy.'
Cold remedy, simultaneously and delivery.
1. Decongestants are a modern-day miracle. 2. As I wave her off, two things happen: our neighbour's daughter comes out of their front do...
1. The shortest night and the longest day. I was up at Wellington Rocks with Anna, Paul and Jason. We couldn't see the sun through the m...
1. Oli has written a poem describing how Tunbridge Wells makes him veer between wanting to fall in love and wanting to shoot people. Which i...
1. The cottage across the carpark is covered in scaffolding. Now that the roofers have gone home, the family has climbed up to see the view ...