Monday, June 26, 2006

Eyes, with child and good eating.

1. Moving to a seat in the window and finding that the light is much better

2. The marvellousness of Deliza's bump -- not only does it contain a baby, but it also doesn't show from the back, or if you look at her straight on.

3. Experimental cookery -- assisted by Lou I made knuckle sandwiches, as described in Nanny Ogg's Cookbook. They were nice, but I don't think the effort and the energy used in preparing a pig's trotter justifies the tablespoon of meat that I wrested from it. The book suggests that such fayre is poor man's food, and that you are better off getting a dinner invitation from the rich man.

Escape, tulips and samosa.

1. This morning, I'm piling into a car with friends to escape into the Weald, where we will visit a garden planted with 45,000 tulips. 2...