Saturday, January 01, 2011

Trigger, my midwife and new year.

And here, finally, is a picture of our son -- he looks a bit rough, as this was taken about ten minutes after he was born.

1. I apologise for my tears to the lady on the NCT breastfeeding helpline. "Don't worry," she says. "At this time, pouring a bowl of cornflakes makes people cry."

2. With it being a bank holiday weekend, it's a bit of a lottery as to which midwife will do the home visits. I am very pleased to hear the voice of my usual one when Nick opens the front door.

3. At midnight, we wake to the muffled popping of fireworks across town. I take Alexander to the window to watch the green and red chrysanthemums hanging in the sky. Happy New Year, Baby Badger.

End at the beginning, whistler and no pressure.

1. To start the day by finishing a book. 2. I'm sure we knew that the emergency kettle is a whistling one; but we'd forgotten since ...