Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Parsley, quiet and redolence.

1. The taste of fresh parsley.

2. It stopped raining for an hour towards the end of the morning. All was still outside, except the smoke from the hospital incinerator, because the wind was too little to move the water heavy leaves.

3. I went round Fenwicks looking for new handcream. All the different ranges - Crabtree and Evelyn Jojoba, Summer Hill and Nantucket Briar; Roger et Gallet's sandal wood; Bronnley White Iris and English Fern - remind me of friends and relatives and all the years of my life.

Over the field, the path divides and perished.

1. After the bridge, the hard path cuts across the middle of a grass field spangled with buttercups. 2. The hard path continues left; or the...