Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hurry up, can't get there and a tin.

1. I pick up some cut and come again salad seeds to help spring come sooner.

2. I walk home the long way to give myself some space at the end of a busy week. There is a church that I see every morning, but I can't work out where it is. I set off towards it, but find myself walking away from it. I can see the bank on which it stands through the gaps in the houses, but no side road leads towards it. I start to wonder if it is inaccessible and that no-one has noticed.

3. I'm too tired to cook. Beans on toast.

Over the field, the path divides and perished.

1. After the bridge, the hard path cuts across the middle of a grass field spangled with buttercups. 2. The hard path continues left; or the...