Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Waving off my husband, pink biscuits and yellow/blue.

1. To get up early -- it is noticeably lighter at 7am -- so that we can wave Nick off to work. It makes me think of a morning soon after we moved here. I went to the door, all large pregnant belly and short(ish) nightie to wave Nick off just as a load of builders piled out of a van in the carpark across the road. They sauntered lazily past and grinned at me. Nick texted later to say that he was buying me a new dressing gown. I have a pregnant belly again, but this time it's winter, I'm wearing the dressing gown (and several other layers) and I have a toddler pushing round my legs.

2. At Christmas we had, as a special treat, a packet of pink wafers.* Every time I open the biscuit tin Alec says with a lot of hope in his voice, 'Pink bic-bic?' Today the Mother brought us a bag of very posh pink wafers that actually taste of strawberries.

3. Butter yellow daffodils opening up in a blue glass vase.

* I love pink wafers out of all the sorts of biscuit there are, but this Christmas packet, a supermarket own-brand, was very disappointing. Not enough filling, I think, and far too much dust.

Morning, errands and entertainment.

1. I murmur an acknowledging greeting to a passing bin man. He is a well brought-up African and replies with eye contact and a warm 'Goo...