Sunday, February 18, 2007

Home help, shots and cult film

Four things today. No special reason, except that I've been having fun.

1. A wonderful flatmate who does Saturday morning tasks so I can further my writing career.

2. A dubious drink made of warm rum and avocaat topped with whipped cream. It is drunk through a straw so you can fully appreciate the mixture of hot and cold.

3. I comment that there are a lot of familiar songs on Lou's iPod. This is because we both own the Empire Records soundtrack. We decide that this is a film that needs watching tonight.

4. Whipping cream and making white sauce -- and showing Lou the miraculous transformations that occur when doing these things.

Escape, tulips and samosa.

1. This morning, I'm piling into a car with friends to escape into the Weald, where we will visit a garden planted with 45,000 tulips. 2...