1. Disaster -- the normally reliable milkman hasn't been. Then as I am waving Nick off, I find the bottle on the other side of the doorstep. I can't believe I missed it.
2. To hurry through town on crisp clear day to an office where I can make a large pile of proofreading disappear.
3. To finish work, sit down on the sofa next to my husband and eat a chocolate.
Waxcaps, beech leaves and my coffee.
1. Bright waxcap mushrooms -- crimson, orange and yellow -- in the veg box today. 2. Beech leaves the colour of rust flakes cover the mud. 3...
Good morning all -- welcome to all those who surfed in off Blogs of Note, and all the regulars too. I am thrilled at being a Blog of Note --...
1. The way Alec rides up and down on the escalators as if he has never been afraid of them. We end up traipsing around the shopping centre l...
Today a special guest post by Nick... 1. My wife's courage and stamina as she painfully brings our baby into this world. I'm so prou...