Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Not commuting, the long walk and an interview.

1. On a frosty morning as I wave Nick off, I hear a neighbour scraping the ice off their car. When I can't see Nick any more, I go inside and get back to work.

2. My cousin Laura is going to walk 100km in less than 30 hours. She's doing it for Oxfam and the Gurkha Welfare Trust. This feat calls for lots of training, and she and the Bean Team are going at it with impressive dedication.

2. I interview an actor who sings a snatch of Memory for me down the phone. Her voice wobbles as she describes preparing herself to play Grizabella.

PS: My aunt sent in her beautiful thing --
Today we were walking on Cnicht, in Snowdonia, and it snowed real-proper-as-in-the-photos 6sided snowflake crystals, never seen them before!

Filler, thirsty and in the north.

1. Smearing a bit of filler into the holes in Alec's bedroom wall where we've taken out screws and fixings. We're summoning the ...