Monday, February 18, 2008

Horse sense, jammy dodgers and dancing.

1. We walk Saiya over to the local riding stables to keep her out from under her parents' feet on the morning of her birthday party. A girl in blue sparkly eye liner is grooming her pony in the barn. She peels off all the rugs and explains that the pony was clipped yesterday but had rolled in the sand school. The girl shows Saiya her pony's hooves, her teeth and the heart that has been clipped into her rump. She encourages Saiya to pat the pony's flank. Saiya is a bit overcome, but hazards a touch. Then the girl brings a handful of pony nuts, and very kindly helps Saiya to offer them up. Saiya says later that it dribbled on her hand.

2. Opening packets of biscuits and putting them on plates for a party.

3. The entertainer announces a selection of dancing competitions and the kids go for it as if nobody is watching.

Obscure reference, corn beef hash and that chocolate.

1. Today's episode of Zombies Run!  opens with a reference to an Australian improv show, which I only know about because of my habit of ...