Sunday, April 13, 2008

Giant buttercups, take note and melted cheese.

1. At the farmers market are pots of ranunculuses. Katie says they remind her of cabbages. I can see the resemblance in size, but I secretly wonder what the hell sort of cabbages leaves are egg yolk yellow with scarlet edges.

2. Today, I have decided, is appreciate your musical friends day. One of my favourite muscial friends is Oli the songwriter-- I spent a happy hour or two listening to his subversive tunes, which can be tried out on Amie Street. My favourites from the days when he gave me lifts into work to a soundtrack of demo tapes are Bald Eagle and Tunbridge Wells. Since I last checked, he has put up California of the Mind, in which you can find a stash of Beach Boys references. But perhaps most subversive of all is Bored of the Beatles.

3. Cheese on toast -- I love watching it cook.

Among the clouds, cobwebs and umbel.

1. I'm dipping in and out of foggy pockets. One moment, the world is grey and secretive between layers of mist; the next it's sunshi...