Monday, August 03, 2009

Seeds, dinner in the oven and redbush.

Dan Holloway, The Man Who Painted Agnieszka's Shoes, publishes an interview with me today in his View From the Shoe column. Thanks, Dan.

1. Nick's mother shows me the splitting helix pods of sweetpea seeds. 'They're for the new house,' she says. These are second generation seeds from a packet I gave her soon after Nick and I got together.

2. While supper is in the oven (the vegetables are lined up waiting their turn) we go out to walk Once Around the Park. When we come back, the flat smells of roasting chicken and crispy bacon.

3. The deep auburn colour of redbush tea with no milk.

End at the beginning, whistler and no pressure.

1. To start the day by finishing a book. 2. I'm sure we knew that the emergency kettle is a whistling one; but we'd forgotten since ...