Sunday, February 27, 2011

Birthday man, cheesecake and candlelight.

Fiona Robyn is offering a free e-book which I think might be of interest to 3BTers out there. It's about writing small stones, which to my mind are beautiful things by another name. The text is interwoven with the story of Lorrie, who has mousey hair and peagreen eyes and is about to discover how dissatisfied she is with her life.

1. It's Nick's birthday -- so he's number one beautiful thing today, for giving so much love and care to me and Alec. I am so grateful to have a husband who from the moment he walks through the door after a day at work, will take our baby and give me a much-needed and longed-for break.

2. I lay candied orange slices over the cheesecake that I baked for Nick's birthday dinner.

3. Just before I start supper, I remember a pair of sea green candles from our Christmas stocking. The kitchen looks magical by candlelight -- Alec (who has been very grizzly this weekend) is enthralled long enough to let us eat our steak and chips.

In and out, cool skid and peppercorns.

1. Love to catch sight of our children running in and out of the soft play frame. 2. He falls to his knees in a slide across the floor to ex...