Monday, June 17, 2013

Whiny voice, compost and imperious.

1. We are not happy this morning: Alec is whining about his breakfast and I am wasting fruit trying to make a smoothie with an unco-operative blender. 'Stop whining and talk properly,' I tell him, 'I can't understand you.' I've never pulled him up for whining before because he does it so rarely, and I didn't imagine he would obey. I was voicing my own frustration more than anything.
'More crackle pops,' he says in his usual darling voice. 'And more milk in the cup. Tsorry. I was talking in a naughty voice.' 
I abandon the smoothie and sit beside Alec at the table -- whining, I think, is a last resort to get my attention, and being with him is much more amenable than fighting a kitchen appliance.

2. Of all the things that my garden produces, I am most satisfied (today anyway) by the compost. There's so much of it. Instead of husbanding it meanly as I used to with the bought stuff, I am constantly topping up containers and looking for excuses to pot things on that don't really need it. It is a bit weed seedy though -- but even this has an upside because sometimes a pleasant surprise germinates.

3. I am now so large and bumpy that I can be imperious and call Nick from the other room to do menial tasks for me: 'Bring this up from the cellar!' 'Pick up that!' 'Get the laundry off the bottom of the airer!'

In and out, cool skid and peppercorns.

1. Love to catch sight of our children running in and out of the soft play frame. 2. He falls to his knees in a slide across the floor to ex...