Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cookie, spice and lost country.

Lauren over at All the Good Blog Names were Taken has been working on a paper adventure, creating collages inspired by a set of phrases. The latest topic was 'gratitude', and she talked about her 3BT work.

Tim at Heropress has nominated me for a Premio Dardo -- which apparently recognises unique voices on the net. I'm passing it on to Inspiral Daze for her haiku and photographs.

1. A large chocolate chip cookie.

2. A dusting of red paprika on my scrambled eggs.

3. An archaeologist working on a mesolithic site under the North Sea describes how lobsters kick up finds from the peat of our own Atlantis buried under the sea bed.

Understands, cheese shop and book shop.

1. My heart cracks a little when something he says suggests the reason he understands our situation is because he's experienced somethin...