Sunday, January 11, 2009

White fur, not them and cast of four.

1. A second frosty day and every twig has a white fur coating.

2. At the market, the goats cheese man blows his fingers. The fishmongers hands are blue and red raw. I'm glad to be going home.

3. A Christmas present of a trip to the theatre, John Buchan's The 39 Steps. A cast of four chase a villainous German spy from London to Scotland via music hall and a shadow puppet show. On the playwriting course I did, we were often told that a script has more chance of being accepted if it will turn into a low-budget play. That might sound sad, but actually the challenge of working with a limited cast and simple (or non-existant) scenery inspires.

Understands, cheese shop and book shop.

1. My heart cracks a little when something he says suggests the reason he understands our situation is because he's experienced somethin...