Sunday, January 25, 2009

Then, a conversion and the curve.

To Den -- I've posted some sewing pictures here and here.

nominated me for a Superior Scribbler Award. For great writing, you should check out Fiona Robyn's A Small Stone and get some reading recommendations from Tania Hershman's The Short Review, or from The Fix.

1. I love to hear James' mother describing us all as teenagers -- she tells Nick that I was 'one of the ones that looked me in the eye and responded to my greeting' instead of scurrying through the kitchen with my head down.

2. A s-shaped scar on the top of his head has changed his life.

3. The head waiter's tail coat is buttoned over the curve of his belly.

Understands, cheese shop and book shop.

1. My heart cracks a little when something he says suggests the reason he understands our situation is because he's experienced somethin...