Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Smoke, dancing shoes and where did that come from.

1. The smell of rosemary burning under the grill.

2. I call Lou to see if she's going to salsa. Secretly, I hope she's not because I'm tired and cross. She doesn't want to go either; so we decide we better had go. As it happens, the lesson is great, with a couple of fun men to dance with; and we come out feeling much more cheerful.

3. Before going to bed, I need to race down the draughty hall and into the icy cold kitchen to fill my hotwater bottle. Still damp from my shower, I sit on the edge of the bed to ponder this epic journey. As I lean back, my hand finds something warm -- Katie has done it all for me.

Morning, errands and entertainment.

1. I murmur an acknowledging greeting to a passing bin man. He is a well brought-up African and replies with eye contact and a warm 'Goo...