1. On a winter day, walking out and squinting into the sunshine.
2. Slow-cooked pork -- tender and sticky shreds -- with crackling to crunch between our teeth.
3. Today has been a day of spices: fennel seeds ground up and rubbed into the crackling on our pork belly. My finger tips turn green. Cloves pressed into oranges to make pomanders that I dust with cinnamon pack away in paper bags for Christmas. A hard spot has formed on the tip of my thumb.
Puzzles, pursuit and newspaper game.
1. As I'm sitting up in bed waiting to wake up and doing my morning puzzles, someone with a lot of answers joins me. 2. Two blue tits ch...
1. The shortest night and the longest day. I was up at Wellington Rocks with Anna, Paul and Jason. We couldn't see the sun through the m...
1. Oli has written a poem describing how Tunbridge Wells makes him veer between wanting to fall in love and wanting to shoot people. Which i...
1. The cottage across the carpark is covered in scaffolding. Now that the roofers have gone home, the family has climbed up to see the view ...