- Two posts about first snow: A Journal of Days and Glimpses of Grace; while Louisa meets a lady at the chip shop who must content herself with a snow substitute.
- Aisha eats a pomegranate unadorned for the first time.
- Plutarch opens up a whole new world of perfumes, and is unable to resist buying a second apple.
- Mary Loves appears to be raising a junior 3BTer with a good eye for sunsets.
1. In the middle of the morning, I go out to the bins, and stand astonished (rubbish in my hand) at the golden winter light and long shadows.
2. He makes a jam turnover with the leftover pastry and marks it with our initials. At teatime, I get ticked off for picking the wrong half.
3. Last thing at night, to pour some soda crystals down the sink to keep the drains sweet. I like to break up the lumps in the powder through the plastic bag.