Saturday, April 21, 2012

Note, message and film.

1. "Thank you for your note," says the practitioner who hands Alec back to me at the end of nursery. "We had a good laugh about it." I usually write a few details about Alec's morning in his contact book, just things he would tell them if he could talk. Today I put: "Please don't laugh at his shirt, I've run out of clean clothes for him. He says he's off to Beluga Bar after this." Beluga is one of Tunbridge Wells' night spots, and it has a dress code. Most of the boys going there seem to wear large open collar shirts in pale colours, untucked but crisply ironed. Alec with his out-sized pink and brown shirt and cheeky smile, looked a lot like them.

2. I have to do bedtime alone tonight because Nick is working late. I come down once Alec is asleep and there's a text message from Nick to say he's nearly home.

3. I've managed to get some film Nick took of Alec off the camera and on to the computer. I show him in the evening. The footage is choppy for some reason -- but the sound is clear, and we enjoy the beautiful sound of our son.

Light reading, pie and leaky milk.

1. In the small hours, oppressed by the dark and by thoughts of what is to come, I am profoundly grateful to all authors of lightweight fict...