Friday, July 09, 2021

Baked potatoes, summer plans and ride.

1. The smell of baked potatoes has reached my desk, so it might be nearly lunchtime.

2. The children are starting to talk about their plans for the summer holidays, which makes it seem within reach.

3. While we are staring into the vivarium before bed, we spot Slugmilla riding on the back of a snail. The snails like to sleep on the roof, hanging upside down like bats, and when the snail reaches its roost, Slugmilla slides off -- rather huffily, I thought -- and makes her way back down to ground level. 

Gardening, macaroni cheese and Russian doll.

1. Plant catalogue -- imagining a parcel of earthy roots and how container-sized dahlias would fit in my garden. 2. The scent of the childre...