Friday, October 15, 2021

Sown, coffee and Moana.

1. Wildflowers -- they don't look local, so I think they were deliberately planted -- are blooming on the bank left behind by the construction project at the end of the Pantiles.

2. All through my morning's work I've been vaguely aware that I'm hungry and want a cup of coffee. When It comes, it's very welcome.

3. Bettany singing along to a Moana song. As a heroine, I rate Moana: she is sturdy and practical and she is built like us, tall and sturdy.

After shopping, second to last bottle of red and Jupiter.

1. Arm-in-arm, rather pleased with our bags of shopping, we cross the park. 2. The second-to-last bottle of red in the cellar turns out to b...