Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Procrastination, stellar and baby photos.

1. I've been hesitating and fretting about hitting send on a submission for a few weeks; but now there is a task I am even less keen to be getting on with. And so, while procrastinating, I do it.

2. 'I'm good at spotting Orion,' says Alec. So I show him the Pleiades, which I can only see out of the corner of my eye. They fade if I look directly. Alec says he look them straight on and count them.

3. The children and I end up down a rabbit hole looking at baby photos.

Tiny rain, snail and kneading.

1. We can't feel the tiny raindrops, but we can see the rings on the still pond. 2. A snail in a pinkish shell watches us come up the pa...