Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Orange, violet and stars in their places.

1. These really are the last of the blood oranges -- they are not as sharp and tasty, and the skins don't come away easily. I cut it into boats and strip the flesh with my teeth.

2. There's a purple dog violet coming up among the rags of the snowdrop bells.

3. While doing some of the bins, I look up. After a day of clouds, there are stars all in their allotted places. Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Saiph and Rigel. Sirius, Procyon and Mars in Gemini. Then Jupiter in Taurus and Capella straight above.

Orange, violet and stars in their places.

1. These really are the last of the blood oranges -- they are not as sharp and tasty, and the skins don't come away easily. I cut it int...