Saturday, May 22, 2004

Sweets, silver bullets and the way through the maze.

1. I bought a caramel slice from the bakers. A caramel slice is about the size of the palm of your hand. It is a layer of soft shortbread, a layer of thick caramel and a layer of chocolate. We used to have them when we were little - but they always had to be cut into three and shared between us. Now I am grown up, if I want a whole caramel slice, I can have one.

2. When I made a martini just before dinner, I loved the way the ice rattled in the shaker. And I loved the way the martini tried to crawl up the glass.

3. The fliers for our latest book at work came in. I thought up the idea for them, which was a labyrinth, and the suggestion that our book can help you find your way through. I thought of it because I've been doodling mazes for months now. According to a graphologist I met, this is a sign of feeling lost in your life. So I've taken my quarter-life crisis and made it into an advertising campaign. Take that, angst.

Done, moon and Irish fairy tales.

1. A meeting that is over by 9.30am. 2. A big full moon is stuck on next door's chimney pots. 3. By my bed is a large and comforting boo...