Thursday, July 25, 2013

Just us, strawberries and hallo ladies.

1. The small hours feeds and changes with Bettany -- she is all mine and I am all hers.

2. In the shade by Jane's new front door, the smell of wild strawberries.

3. Alec tries to chat up some big girls (they must be about nine) in the shrubbery. He needs to work on his lines, though. "That my Mummy with Bettany in the sling and that my pushchair with my drink" doesn't cut it:  they shriek with laughter and run away on their spindly gazelle legs. (I still think he was very brave to even approach them.)

Early, arrival and goat curry.

1. I'm up before everyone else and eating pancakes. 2. My brother, with hair clipped short, comes to take his nephew out to lunch. 3. Th...