1. Catching Alec before he used his step stool to "skateboard" down the stairs.
2. In a silent hospital waiting room full of nervous, grumpy people giggling quietly to myself at Bettany's burps and farts. An ominous nappy noise five minutes before my appointment wiped the smile off my face, though.
3. The technician who smiled at Bettany in the pushchair and tickled her feet while the doctor examined me.
Bricks, hot cross buns and crocuses.
1. Where there was a window, there is now a door. Where there was a door, there is now a window. Today the builder is cleaning up, darkening...
1. The shortest night and the longest day. I was up at Wellington Rocks with Anna, Paul and Jason. We couldn't see the sun through the m...
1. Oli has written a poem describing how Tunbridge Wells makes him veer between wanting to fall in love and wanting to shoot people. Which i...
1. The cottage across the carpark is covered in scaffolding. Now that the roofers have gone home, the family has climbed up to see the view ...