Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Industry, high/low and sauce.

1. Bettany is at home today, resting and recovering from a respiratory infection. I scatter toys and craft and science sets around the kitchen and retreat to my desk. Each time I come down, there is something different going on: bracelets decorated with stick-on gems; cartoons on the TV; a circuit to make an alarm sound; microscopy; pirates vs Scooby Doo. 

2. There's a chill in the air today that makes me wish I'd worn my hat. There are no highs and lows like those of an English spring.

3. A taste of the sharp Cheddar sauce from the children's macaroni cheese.

Two left, weeding and wisteria.

1. There are just two Jaffacakes left, so I have them. 2. The crackling, popping sound of weeds lifting out of gravel. 3. While the kettle b...