Thursday, June 20, 2024

Streaming music, warm out and curry night.

1. I am still not over the novelty of streaming music -- you think of a song, or half remember a song, or hear about a song, and then you listen to it, straight away without waiting. And then you can listen to various covers; and other tracks by the same artist, or similar songs by artists that you've never even heard of because they are Chinese or Argentinian.

2. At the end of the afternoon, to step through the back door and find that it's warm out. 

3. Grating a cucumber to go with the railway lamb that Nick has cooked for our supper.

Winter clothes, from the freezer and last of the raspberries.

1. Finding two pairs of soft winter socks with my winter dressing gown. 2. The tuna pasta pulled from depths of the freezer for our lunch is...