Tuesday, October 29, 2024

High-five, long walk and grey wagtail.

1. We pass a man and his toddler, a tiny chap with white curls wearing a dark blue waterproof suit. We smile at each other and he holds up his hand for a high-five.

2. The path is a straight tunnel of autumn trees, and we almost feel like we can see all the way to our destination.

3. We stop to watch a grey and yellow bird with a long tail where clear water has collected on clots of orange leaves to the side of the path. It plays, dipping its head and shaking its tail and wings to make water drops fly. We take  photos so we can show Grampy for an ID later on.

Light reading, pie and leaky milk.

1. In the small hours, oppressed by the dark and by thoughts of what is to come, I am profoundly grateful to all authors of lightweight fict...