Sunday, February 01, 2009

Faces behind the footsteps, a task and it's coming.

1. We run into our neighbour and his two little girls picking out truffles to eat with their hot chocolate. I've never seen them before -- just heard their feet hurrying up and downstairs.

2. A meal out is a break from weekend tasks. But it seems to me that one important thing we mustn't forget to do is look at each other over glasses of golden wine and candles; and talk about gentle things; and enjoy good fresh food.

3. As we race from the restaurant to home, faces freezing, it is easy to believe that Arctic weather is sweeping in.

Eggshell, turkey oak and grateful.

1. Smacking a hardboiled egg to break the shell. 2. Pale green leaves on the huge oak tree at the corner of The Grove. 3. There is nothing q...