Sunday, January 23, 2005

De rig, preparations and colours.

1. An old colleague, Lin, has moved into one of the flats in this block. She invited me round for tea, so I strolled down. She laughed at my slippers. 'Fenella and I always wear our slippers when we visit each other,' I replied witheringly.

2. In Anais Nin's Delta of Venus there is a voluptous description of a woman waiting for her lover to arrive.

'I would bathe myself, spread polish on my nails, perfume myself, rouge my nipples, brush my hair, put on a negligee, and all the preparations would turn my imaginations to the scenes to come.'

I like it because it seems to me that these preparations are more for the woman than for the man who is about to arrive.

3. At a party I tried to explain how I feel about bright colours and how they can make me gasp with pleasure.

Eggshell, turkey oak and grateful.

1. Smacking a hardboiled egg to break the shell. 2. Pale green leaves on the huge oak tree at the corner of The Grove. 3. There is nothing q...