Sunday, January 02, 2005

Night soil, quick job and crispy sheets.

1. Walking into the kitchen I discover an empty 3L Coke bottle. I remember something... 'James, Adam, did we drink this Coke?' 'No. You threw it out of the window.' Ah yes. The shouty drunk with his screeching female. The perfect arc. His leather jacket. The fact that they had no idea which window it came from. Yay.

2. When tidying up doesn't take as long as you thought it would. 'I think you shouted at Jon for trying to use a plate at one point. You told him to tip it on the floor because hoovering is easier than washing up.' Oh.

3. Changing bed linen so that you can sleep in cool, clean sheets.

Reset, company and jazzies.

1. After the morning rush, I settle in with a book, aiming for a quick reset. 2. My son comes looking for a chat and some reassurance. Then ...