Monday, August 31, 2009

Red rouge, blackberrying and pieman.

1. Katie opens a compact of Clarin's blusher (it's Barbera Cartland pink) and says "This looks a bit scary, but it'll make you seem as if you've been for a walk in the country."

2. The last time I went blackberrying, there were a few gleaming, plump berries among burgeoning green leaves. Now every bramble bows under the weight of six, seven, eight berries. The leaves are ragged and rusted. Tired out.

3. I like to see Nick lift a piece of pastry into the pie dish.

Over the field, the path divides and perished.

1. After the bridge, the hard path cuts across the middle of a grass field spangled with buttercups. 2. The hard path continues left; or the...