Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bubbles, progress and postcard.

1. The bubbles that appear in puddles when it is raining. When I was little I had a book called The Log of the Ark. It's a Noah's ark story, and at the start when the rain begins there is a very sad scene in which a whole species, the chidders, becomes extinct because they dissolve when rained on. The book says that puddle bubbles are the chidders trying to reform themselves.

2. My mother ringing up to say she's in a secondhand bookshop and they have a volume of all three Sherston books for £4.50.

3. Receiving a postcard with an orange typewriter on it.

Sunday shopping, Caesar salad and stew.

1. In the second part of Sunday afternoon, when the shop assistants are telling us to have a good evening, the sun is low and dusty and the ...