1. Thinking we've lost our office spider, and then realising I'm looking out of the wrong bit of window.
2. Teasing Charlotte, our latest recruit, about working on a publication called Pooley's:
HWSNBN: Clare used to do Pooley's when she first arrived.
Me: Yeah, I remember you doing Pooley's in the corner of the old office.
HWSNBN: We all have to do Pooley's at some point.
Me: At certain times of year, there's piles of Pooley's all over the office.
Etc until we are laughing too much to go on.
3. Drinking hot chocolate in a cafe and writing a list of 50 things that make me happy.
Balance, greetings and sand.
1. In the scrape, a robin balances on the broken clay at the water's edge. 2. There is a friendly feel to the lower cricket ground today...
Good morning all -- welcome to all those who surfed in off Blogs of Note, and all the regulars too. I am thrilled at being a Blog of Note --...
Today a special guest post by Nick... 1. My wife's courage and stamina as she painfully brings our baby into this world. I'm so prou...
The comments and emails are still pouring in -- thank you so much, everyone, especially those who are trying it for themselves, and those wh...