Monday, August 12, 2013

Two children, is this thing on and packing away.

1. Brave Nick marches out to the park with two children. 'Look,' I tell him, 'the worst that could happen is that Bettany starts crying. And does a huge poo that goes everywhere. Just come home in that case.' It occurs to me that I'm not selling it very well.

2. Alec has been talking about wanting a microphone and I've been studiously ignoring him -- noisy electronic toys drive me to spiteful acts so I try to keep them out of the house. By chance he and Nick find (they weren't even in a toy shop) a wonderful cheap plastic thing -- a microphone with a sort of sound reflector connected to a spring to distort your voice a little, not too loudly, though, and it doesn't have any extra sounds.

3. To pack away Alec's day nappies because he no longer needs them. It's funny to think that a week and a half ago we were still changing him every few hours and doing this huge load of washing every couple of days (actually, Bettany's nappies make quite a large wash by themselves).

Snail, blue flower and sleet.

1. Coming down the cobbles, I step over a black and yellow striped snail. I take it with me up to the common where there should be more soft...